I2C Address 0x25
10 known devices at this address
HW-061 - I2C Serial Interface LCD1602 Adapter
MCP23008 - 8-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface I2C GPIO expander
MCP23017 - I2C GPIO expander
PCD3311C - DTMF/modem/musical tone generator
PCD3312C - DTMF/modem/musical-tone generator
PCF8574 - Remote 8-Bit I/O Expander for I2C Bus
PCF8575 - Remote16-BIT I2C AND SMBus I/O Expander withInterrupt Output
TCA9554 - 4 Low Voltage 8-Bit I 2C and SMBus Low-Power I/O Expander With Interrupt Output and Configuration Registers
XD8574A - I²C 8-Bit I/O Expander