I2C Address 0x76
15 known devices at this address
BME280 - Temp/Barometric/Humidity
BME680 - Low power gas, pressure, temperature & humidity sensor
BME688 - Digital low power gas, pressure, temperature and humidity sensor with AI
BMP280 - Temp/Barometric
HT16K33 - LED Matrix Driver
MS5607 - Barometric Pressure
MS5611 - Barometric Pressure
PCA9539 - 16-bit I/O expander with interrupt and reset
PCA9541 - 2-1 I2C bus arbiter
PCA9685 - 16-channel PWM driver default address
SPL06-007 - Digital Temperature/Pressure Sensor
TCA9548 - 1-to-8 I2C Multiplexer
TCA9548A - Low-Voltage8-Channel I2CSwitchwithReset
XD8574 - I²C 8-Bit I/O Expander